Autonomous Language Learning Series
Education and Life in Japan Series
The Generative AI and Foreign Language Education series
Positive Pedagogical Praxis Series
Leadership in Language Education
- Autonomy in Language Learning: Advising in Action. Edited by Christian Ludwig and Jo Mynard
- Autonomy in Language Learning: Getting Learners Actively Involved. Edited by Marcella Menegale
- Autonomy in Language Learning: Opening a Can of Worms. Edited by Carol J. Everhard and Jo Mynard, with Richard Smith
- Fostering Learner Autonomy: Learners, Teachers and Researchers in Action. Edited by Christian Ludwig, Annamaria Pinter, Kris Van de Poel, Tom Smits, Maria Giovanna Tassinari, and Elke Ruelens
- Learner Autonomy in Second Language Pedagogy and Research: Challenges and Issues. Edited by Klaus Schwienhorst
- Learning Japanese: Voices of Experience. By Belinda Kennett and Yuriko Nagata
- Navigating Foreign Language Learner Autonomy. Edited by Christian Ludwig, Giovanna Tassinari, and Jo Mynard
- Supporting Learners and Educators in Developing Language Learner Autonomy. Edited by Jo Mynard, Michelle Tamala, and Ward Peeters
- The Answer is Learner Autonomy: Issues in Language Teaching and Learning. Edited by Anja Burkert, Leni Dam and Christian Ludwig
- The Teacher’s Role in Developing Learner Autonomy. Edited by Kateřina Sedláčková, Barbora Chovancová, and Štěpánka Bilová
- Am I an Autonomous Language Learner? Self-Perceived Autonomy in Trinidad and Tobago: Sociocultural Perspectives by Diego Mideros
- Making Space for Autonomy in Language Learning. Papers from the 14th Nordic Conference on Developing Learner Autonomy in Language Learning and Teaching. Edited by Klaus Schwienhorst and Joy Ramos-Gonzalez
- Developing Learner Autonomy in Foreign Language Learning: Papers from the June 2021 Independent Learning Association Conference, Mexico. Edited by Christian Ludwig, Giovanna Tassinari, Adelina Ruiz Guerrero, and Kazuko Nagao
- ILAC Selections - Whose Autonomy? Voice and Agency in Language Learning. Edited by Adelia Peña Clavel & Katherine Thornton
- Reforming the Foreign Language Classroom: Empowering Students to Take Ownership. Edited by Annika Albrecht, Carmen Becker, Leni Dam and Katja Heim
- Autonomy in Action: A Teacher’s Handbook for Developing Language Learner Autonomy at Primary and Secondary Levels by Birgitta Berger and Leni Dam
- The Learner Autonomy Approach to Language Teaching by David Little
- Pulling Back the Curtain in Self-Access: Stories of Student Staff Member Motivation by Christopher Phelps
Education and Life in Japan Series
- Foreign Female English Teachers in Japanese Higher Education: Narratives From Our Quarter. Edited by Diane Hawley Nagatomo, Kathleen A. Brown, and Melodie L. Cook
- Intercultural Families and Education in Japan: Experiences, Issues, and Challenges. Edited by Melodie Lorie Cook and Louise George Kittaka.
- Teacher Narratives From the Eikaiwa Classroom: Moving Beyond "McEnglish". Edited by Daniel Hooper and Natasha Hashimoto
- Autoethnography of Teaching English in Japan: Bridging Life and Academia by Sanae Oda-Sheehan
- Multiculturalism, Language, and Race in English Education in Japan: Agency, Pedagogy, and Reckoning. Edited by Gregory Paul Glasgow
- Cultivating Critical Friendships Through Reflective Practice: Cases from Japan. Edited by Adrianne Verla Uchida and Jennie Roloff Rothman
- Barrier-Free Instruction in Japan: Recommendations for Teachers at All Levels of Schooling. Edited by Alex Burke, Davey Young, and Melodie Cook
- Vulnerability and Resilience During Emergency Remote Teaching: Voices of Part-Time University English Language Teachers by Wendy Gough, Bill Snyder, Chiyuki Yanase and Colin Skeates
- Beyond Kikokushijo: Teaching English in Japan After Growing Up Between Languages and Cultures. Edited by Aiko Minematsu, Risa Ikeda, and Maki Yazaki
The Generative AI and Foreign Language Education series
- Artificial Intelligence in Our Language Learning Classrooms (tentative title) edited by Robert Dykes, Mary Hillis, Dawn Lucovich, and Louise Ohashi
Positive Pedagogical Praxis Series
- Learner-Controlled Tasks for the Autonomy Classroom: A Teacher's Resource Book by Christian Ludwig and Lawrie Moore-Walter
- Voicing Learning by Tim Murphey
- Communicative Competence and Conversation Strategies by Christian Jones
- The Big Beasts of Grammar Teaching: An Exploration of Form and Function in Conversations by Christian Jones and Graham Burton
- Students’ Narrative Journeys in Learning Communities: Mapping Landscapes of Practice in Self Access Learning Centers and Foreign Language Classes by Daniel Hooper (January 2025). More details...
- The Personalized Learning Module: A Collection of Learning Advising Tools by Stephanie Lea Howard, Gamze Guven Yalcin and Tarik Uzun
- A Dynamic Guide to Empowering Language Learners (tentative title) by Hatice Karaaslan
- Cultivating Confidence in Writing edited by Ashton E. Dawes and Kathryn Jurns
Leadership in Language Education
- Collaborative Leadership Through Leaderful Classroom Practices: Everybody is a Leader by Soyhan Egitim
- English for Specific Purposes Project Leader Profiles: The Leadership Communication of 55 ESP Project Leaders by Kevin R. Knight
- From Student to Community Leader: A Guide for Autonomy-Supportive Leadership Development by Satoko Watkins and Daniel Hooper
- Creating Leadership “Ways of Being” in L2 Learners for International Business Careers and Social Good by Kevin R. Knight
- リーダーフルな授業実践による協働型リーダーシップ:みんながリーダー! (Author: Soyhan Egitim; Editor: Miho Tomito)
- Teaching the Language of Leadership (working title) edited by Evan Frendo
- Developing Student Learning Outcomes: A Distributed Leadership Approach edited by Phoebe Lyon, Amanda Yoshida and Ewen MacDonald
- Languages of Sydney: The People and the Passion by Alice Chik, Susan Markose, and Diane Alperstein
- Stories and Storyline by Sharon Ahlquist and Réka Lugossy
- The Pattern of History and Fate of Humanity by Peter McLoughlin
- The Doomsday Syllogism by Peter McLoughlin