Learner Autonomy in Second Language Pedagogy and Research: Challenges and Issues. Edited by Klaus Schwienhorst (Autonomous Language Learning Series) [ Apple | ePub | Kindle | Perlego | Print | Proquest | Scribd ]
This selection of papers was edited by Klaus Schwienhorst and is the result of a two-day conference by the IATEFL Learner autonomy SIG on “Learner autonomy in second language pedagogy and research - challenges and issues” which was held at the Fachsprachenzentrum, Leibniz Universität Hannover, Germany in 2013. It was one in a series of local conferences that the LASIG had begun a few years ago, with great success. The four plenary talks at the conference were delivered by four well-known international academics: David Little, Trinity College Dublin, Ireland; Leni Dam, LASIG coordinator, Denmark; Lienhard Legenhausen, University of Münster, Germany; and Elisabet Arnó Macià, Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya, Escola Politècnica Superior d'Enginyeria de Vilanova i la Geltrú (EPSEVG), Spain. In addition, there were over 20 papers and workshops presented at the conference.
Chapters by contributing authors:
- Chapter 1: Learner Autonomy: A Personal Note by the Editor. Klaus Schwienhorst
- Chapter 2: Language Learner Autonomy, Vygotsky and Sociocultural Theory: Some Theoretical and Pedagogical Reflections by David Little
- Chapter 3: Learner Autonomy as a Response to the Challenges of Educational Inclusion by Lienhard Legenhausen
- Chapter 4: Developing Learner Autonomy While Using a Textbook by Leni Dam
- Chapter 5: Investigating the True Colours of Autonomy in Language Learning by Carol J. Everhard [sample chapter]
- Chapter 6: Fostering Autonomy in University Language Students: A Self-Study Programme by Micol Beseghi and Greta Bertolotti
- Chapter 7: Peer Feedback to Foster Student Autonomy: Creating a Learner Community by Ilse Born-Lechleitner
- Chapter 8: L2 Writing Achievement for Arabs Through a Strong Version of Autonomy Online by Carmen Denekamp
- Chapter 9: Pedagogy for Autonomy and Educational Change: ‘The Flight of a Butterfly or the Flight of a Bullet’? by Isabel Sandra Fernandes and Flávia Vieira
- Chapter 10: Developing Teacher Autonomy Through Practical Learning Experience by Stephan Gabel and Jochen Schmidt
- Chapter 11: Facing Autonomy: University Language Teachers as Autonomous Learning Professionals by Elena Gallo
- Chapter 12: An Exploratory Analysis on the Obstacles to Learner Autonomy in the Foreign Language Classroom by Borja Manzano Vázquez
- Chapter 13: In Search of the Educational A.I.M.: The Effect of Vocabulary Notebooks on Learners’ Autonomy, Identity and Motivation by Karen Seberechts
Publication details
Publication date: 2018
Ebook, $9.99
Print book, 311 pages, $29.99
Series: Autonomous Language Learning
ISBN (ebook): 9781370291885
ISBN (print): 9781973333775
Series editor: Jo Mynard
Purchase discounted copy at BEBC, UK
Purchase ebook here
Download sample chapter. Chapter 5 by Carol J. Everhard
Ebook, $9.99
Print book, 311 pages, $29.99
Series: Autonomous Language Learning
ISBN (ebook): 9781370291885
ISBN (print): 9781973333775
Series editor: Jo Mynard
Purchase discounted copy at BEBC, UK
Purchase ebook here
Download sample chapter. Chapter 5 by Carol J. Everhard
About the editor
Klaus Schwienhorst, PhD., has been Director of the Center for Languages for Special Purposes, Leibniz Universität, Hannover, Germany since 2006. His main research interests lie in computer-assisted language learning and learner autonomy for second language acquisition.