Chapter 4: Waiting With Bated Breath: My Journey to Securing Tenure by Kristie Collins
Kristie Collins chronicles her long and often frustrating transition from a contracted full-time position to a tenured one and the impact that her non-Japanese identity and gender played in this journey.
About the Contributor
Kristie Collins (PhD) is an Associate Professor and former Department Head for the English and Liberal Arts Program in the Faculty of Foreign Studies at Reitaku University, in Kashiwa, Japan. Her research focuses on the media representation and lived experiences of single women in the United States, Japan and Canada, and her monograph, The Marginalized Majority: Media Representation and Lived Experiences of Single Women (Bern: Peter Lang), was published in 2013. Alongside her work on female singleness, Kristie is currently undertaking research on lived experiences and literary accounts of reconfigured family structures and the feminine life course.
Collins, K. (2020). Waiting with bated breath: My journey to securing tenure. In D. H. Nagatomo, K. A. Brown, & M. L. Cook (Eds.), Foreign female English teachers in Japanese higher education: Narratives from our quarter (pp. 53-67). Candlin & Mynard.
Kristie Collins chronicles her long and often frustrating transition from a contracted full-time position to a tenured one and the impact that her non-Japanese identity and gender played in this journey.
About the Contributor
Kristie Collins (PhD) is an Associate Professor and former Department Head for the English and Liberal Arts Program in the Faculty of Foreign Studies at Reitaku University, in Kashiwa, Japan. Her research focuses on the media representation and lived experiences of single women in the United States, Japan and Canada, and her monograph, The Marginalized Majority: Media Representation and Lived Experiences of Single Women (Bern: Peter Lang), was published in 2013. Alongside her work on female singleness, Kristie is currently undertaking research on lived experiences and literary accounts of reconfigured family structures and the feminine life course.
Collins, K. (2020). Waiting with bated breath: My journey to securing tenure. In D. H. Nagatomo, K. A. Brown, & M. L. Cook (Eds.), Foreign female English teachers in Japanese higher education: Narratives from our quarter (pp. 53-67). Candlin & Mynard.
Information About the Book
Title: Foreign Female English Teachers in Japanese Higher Education: Narratives From Our Quarter
Editors: Diane Hawley Nagatomo, Kathleen A. Brown, and Melodie Lorie Cook
Publication date: August 2020
Title: Foreign Female English Teachers in Japanese Higher Education: Narratives From Our Quarter
Editors: Diane Hawley Nagatomo, Kathleen A. Brown, and Melodie Lorie Cook
Publication date: August 2020