Chapter 3: Terry’s Story. Ringo o Niko Kudasai by Terry Martin
Terry’s account of in-country learning of Japanese as an adult in Chapter 3, tells how he linked words into his memory and had fun interacting despite knowing very limited Japanese. His story also shows that having an interest around which to focus learning is a strong motivator. Sensei’s Tips presents various ways of learning and remembering frequent and infrequent vocabulary and links learners to resources for organising them.
About the author
Terry Martin started his arts degree in 1966 and studied German, Philosophy and English Literature. Seeing Rashōmon at the Student Union triggered his fascination with Japan and he first travelled there in 1977. He knew no Japanese when he arrived, but he stayed for three years, working as an English teacher and editor for technical publications. He returns regularly to visit his wife’s family and, despite limited studies, his Japanese continues to be very useful in both Australia and Japan, and he continues to improve – sukoshizutsu (little by little).
Martin, T. (2017). Terry's story. Ringo o niko kudasai. In B. Kennett & Y. Nagata (Eds.), Learning Japanese: Voices of experience (pp. 23-34). Candlin & Mynard.
Terry’s account of in-country learning of Japanese as an adult in Chapter 3, tells how he linked words into his memory and had fun interacting despite knowing very limited Japanese. His story also shows that having an interest around which to focus learning is a strong motivator. Sensei’s Tips presents various ways of learning and remembering frequent and infrequent vocabulary and links learners to resources for organising them.
About the author
Terry Martin started his arts degree in 1966 and studied German, Philosophy and English Literature. Seeing Rashōmon at the Student Union triggered his fascination with Japan and he first travelled there in 1977. He knew no Japanese when he arrived, but he stayed for three years, working as an English teacher and editor for technical publications. He returns regularly to visit his wife’s family and, despite limited studies, his Japanese continues to be very useful in both Australia and Japan, and he continues to improve – sukoshizutsu (little by little).
Martin, T. (2017). Terry's story. Ringo o niko kudasai. In B. Kennett & Y. Nagata (Eds.), Learning Japanese: Voices of experience (pp. 23-34). Candlin & Mynard.

Information About the Book
Title: Learning Japanese: Voices of experience
Editors: Belinda Kennett and Yuriko Nagata
Publication date: July, 2017
Title: Learning Japanese: Voices of experience
Editors: Belinda Kennett and Yuriko Nagata
Publication date: July, 2017