Thomas S. C. Farrell
...this collection, Cultivating Professional Development through Critical Friendship and Reflective Practice: Cases from Japan, provides an alternative approach to professional development in Japan through a bottom-up approach to professional development where two teachers come together willingly to explore facets of their development as decided by the friends. The collection of 11 chapters details 10 examples of critical friendships (the final chapter brings the previous chapters together) and in each chapter, various sentences jump out at readers that will excite them, especially if they are TESOL teachers and feeling a little isolated and perhaps vulnerable.
Each chapter offers slightly different methods of executing such a friendship and that is a good thing because then each critical friendship can decide for themselves how they want to proceed. There is enough detail in this volume for teachers to follow excellent examples as they are flexible enough to meet teachers’ needs.
...[The editors and authors] of this fine collection put their ideas on the importance of critical friendships for teachers wishing to reflect on their practice in this excellent volume.
About the Contributor
Thomas S. C. Farrell is Professor of Applied Linguistics at Brock University, Canada. His professional interests include reflective practice, and language teacher education and development. He has published widely and has presented at major conferences worldwide on these topics. His webpage is:
Farrell, T. S. C. (2023). Foreword In A. Verla Uchida & J. Roloff Rothman (Eds.), Cultivating professional development through critical friendship and reflective practice: Cases from Japan (pp. 1-5). Candlin & Mynard.
...this collection, Cultivating Professional Development through Critical Friendship and Reflective Practice: Cases from Japan, provides an alternative approach to professional development in Japan through a bottom-up approach to professional development where two teachers come together willingly to explore facets of their development as decided by the friends. The collection of 11 chapters details 10 examples of critical friendships (the final chapter brings the previous chapters together) and in each chapter, various sentences jump out at readers that will excite them, especially if they are TESOL teachers and feeling a little isolated and perhaps vulnerable.
Each chapter offers slightly different methods of executing such a friendship and that is a good thing because then each critical friendship can decide for themselves how they want to proceed. There is enough detail in this volume for teachers to follow excellent examples as they are flexible enough to meet teachers’ needs.
...[The editors and authors] of this fine collection put their ideas on the importance of critical friendships for teachers wishing to reflect on their practice in this excellent volume.
About the Contributor
Thomas S. C. Farrell is Professor of Applied Linguistics at Brock University, Canada. His professional interests include reflective practice, and language teacher education and development. He has published widely and has presented at major conferences worldwide on these topics. His webpage is:
Farrell, T. S. C. (2023). Foreword In A. Verla Uchida & J. Roloff Rothman (Eds.), Cultivating professional development through critical friendship and reflective practice: Cases from Japan (pp. 1-5). Candlin & Mynard.

Information About the Book
Title: Cultivating Professional Development Through Critical Friendship and Reflective Practice: Cases From Japan.
Editors: Adrianne Verla Uchida and Jennie Roloff Rothman
Publication date: 2023
Title: Cultivating Professional Development Through Critical Friendship and Reflective Practice: Cases From Japan.
Editors: Adrianne Verla Uchida and Jennie Roloff Rothman
Publication date: 2023