2023 Annual News Bulletin
In 2022, we celebrated ten years of Candlin & Mynard! Thank you for your continued support. We are delighted to share details of three books published in 2022 and many new titles to be released in 2023. Scroll to the bottom for details about how you can publish with us. We wish you all the best for the new year.
New books published in 2022
An Autoethnography of Teaching English in Japan: Bridging Life and Academia by Sanae Oda-Sheehan
(Life and Education in Japan Series) [Kindle | ePub | Print | Scribd | Apple]
Autoethnography is a burgeoning and promising approach in the qualitative research field, in which researchers use themselves as the research subject to better understand sociocultural complexities through the connectivity between self and others. By employing the autoethnographic approach and analyzing in-depth face-to-face interviews and journal entries, Oda-Sheehan reflected on her teaching practices and her own identity formation to explore the critical factors for the integrative approach. Through this life-sized portrait of the research project, she obtained interpretive insights that show how critical it is for teachers to have an awareness of their multiple identities and perspectives, long-term visions, and readiness for necessary transformation. This book meticulously crafts and demonstrates how autoethnography can be utilized as a research method to merge analytic rigor and creative dynamics.
Read more... Publication date: January, 2022 Print book: 178 pages, $29.99 ISBN 9798401662002 Ebook: $9.99, ISBN 9781005581978 Series editors: Diane Hawley Nagatomo and Melodie Cook |
English for Specific Purposes Project Leader Profiles: The Leadership Communication of 55 Project Leaders by Kevin R. Knight [ PDF | Print (B/W) | Print (color) | ePub and Mobi versions ] Kindle
This volume is a collection of valuable and highly praised stories. These stories were co-constructed by the 55 featured leaders and by Kevin Knight in his role as the author/interviewer who created the two prompts to which the leaders responded. The profiles were created so that ESP (English for Specific Purposes) practitioners and researchers worldwide in the ESP Interest Section (ESPIS) of TESOL International Association (TESOL) could share their professional experiences with each other.
Read more... Publication date: February 2022 Ebook: Free. ISBN 9781005579166 Print book: 233 pages, $29.99 ISBN 9798750804375 |
Collaborative Leadership through Leaderful Classroom Practices: Everybody is a Leader by Soyhan Egitim (Positive Pedagogical Praxis Series) [ Kindle | Print | ePub | Scribd | Apple ]
Revisiting our leadership identity each time before we walk into a classroom can give us an opportunity to re-examine what leadership tenets we demonstrate in the classroom and to what extent our leadership practices foster or limit our students’ growth. This book attempts to shed light on the impact of language teachers’ leadership identity on their pedagogical and class management choices. It proposes a new pedagogical framework, Leaderful Classroom Practices which emerge through social, relational, and dynamic interactions between the teacher and students. Establishing an open, democratic, and participatory learning environment for all learners is a major leadership responsibility of teachers, and this book intends to demonstrate how to accomplish this mission both in theory and practice.
Read more... Publication date: March, 2022 Print book: 83 pages, $19.99. ISBN: 9798423833473 Ebook: $9.99. ISBN: 9781005383138 Series editor: Tim Murphey |
Forthcoming books in 2023
Forthcoming books in the Autonomous Language Learning Series (edited by Jo Mynard)
- Developing learner autonomy in Foreign Language Learning: Papers from the June 2021 Independent Learning Association Conference, Mexico. Edited by Adelina Ruiz Guerrero, Giovanna Tassinari, Kazuko Nagao, and Christian Ludwig
- Developing Learner Autonomy in Language learning and Teaching. Proceedings of the 14th Nordic Workshop on Learner Autonomy held in Hannover, August 22-23, 2019. Edited by Klaus Schwienhorst and Joy Ramos-Gonzalez
Forthcoming books in the Life and Education in Japan series (edited by Diane Hawley Nagatomo and Melodie Cook)
- Cultivating Critical Friendships Through Reflective Practice: Cases from Japan. Edited by Adrianne Verla Uchida and Jennie Roloff Rothman
- One Year of Emergency Remote Teaching: From the Perspective of Part-time University English Language Educators in Japan by Bill Snyder, Wendy Gough, Colin Skeates, and Chiyuki Yanase
- Multiculturalism, Language, and Race in English Education in Japan: Agency, Pedagogy, and Reckoning. Edited by Gregory Paul Glasgow
- Barrier-Free Instruction in Japan. Edited by Alex Burke, Davey Young, and Melodie Cook
Forthcoming books in the Positive Pedagogical Praxis series (edited by Tim Murphey)
- The Personalized Learning Module: A Collection of Learning Advising Tools by Stephanie Lea Howard, Gamze Guven Yalcin and Tarik Uzun
- Leadership: Conceptualizations for Specific Purposes (Applications inside and outside the classroom) by Kevin Knight
- From Student to Community Leader: A Guide for Autonomy-supportive Leadership Development by Satoko Watkins and Daniel Hooper
Meet our Authors

Diego Mideros is a Lecturer in Spanish at The University of the West Indies, St. Augustine Campus in Trinidad and Tobago. He holds a PhD in Linguistics awarded by the same university. His research interests include autonomy and agency in language learning, L2 learner identity, sociocultural approaches to L2 learning research, among others. He is a passionate qualitative teacher-researcher with a particular interest in phenomenology. He was one of the conveners of the AILA Research Network on Learner Autonomy from 2018 to 2021.
Watch an interview with the author about his book: Am I an Autonomous Language Learner? Self-Perceived Autonomy in Trinidad and Tobago: Sociocultural Perspectives published by Candlin & Mynard in 2021. Read more...
Watch an interview with the author about his book: Am I an Autonomous Language Learner? Self-Perceived Autonomy in Trinidad and Tobago: Sociocultural Perspectives published by Candlin & Mynard in 2021. Read more...

Kevin Knight (PhD in Linguistics, MBA, MPIA, BA) is Professor in the Department of International Communication (International Business Career major) and has also worked in the Career Education Center of Kanda University of International Studies in Chiba, Japan. He was selected as the 2022 D. Scott Enright TESOL Interest Section Service Award recipient.
Watch an interview with the author about his book English for Specific Purposes Project Leader Profiles: The Leadership Communication of 55 ESP Project Leaders published by Candlin & Mynard in 2022. Read more...
Watch an interview with the author about his book English for Specific Purposes Project Leader Profiles: The Leadership Communication of 55 ESP Project Leaders published by Candlin & Mynard in 2022. Read more...
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